Edit Medications

Clinicians can edit a patient's medications from their Health Summary.

Before you begin

The Medication section in the Health Summary iconHealth Summary lists medications prescribed in Helix, and any other medications added that the patient has informed you of (prescribed elsewhere).

Open a patient record to display a patient's Health Summary iconHealth Summary.

About this task

Edit medication details to:
  • Edit the drug, dose form, and strength.
  • Cease a patient's current medication.
  • Update favourites.


To edit a medication from a patient's Health Summary:
  1. In the Health Summary iconHealth Summary > Medications iconMedications list, for the required medication, in the Actions column, click the vertical ellipsis and select Edit.

    Health Summary > Medications > Edit
    Alternatively, select the medication to open the Medication panel and click Edit at the bottom of the panel.
    Health Summary, open Medications then click Edit
  2. Edit the medication details as required, including changing the drug to a variant of the same drug, strength and dose form. The date prescribed or entered cannot be modified.
  3. If you changed the drug, update the directions, route and if Advised or Prescribed externally by.
  4. Click Save.


After the changes are saved, the previously prescribed medication is stopped and moved to the Ceased section.


For example, a patient currently takes Aspirin 100mg. On their next visit you want to increase the dosage to 320mg. The existing medication can be edited, and a new dosage selected.

Example medication edit

The edited medication is changed to Aspirin 320mg in Health Summary > Medications. The date on which the change was made is listed in the Updated column.

Example updated medication in the Medications list

The original prescription for Aspirin 100mg is moved to the Ceased view, and the information now reads Medication Details Updated.

Example ceased medication after it was updated

What to do next

If you want to save the updated medication to your favourites, click Update.
Update Favourites