Nursing Requests

During a consult, add a request for a nurse to complete a nursing action.

About this task


To add a nursing request:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select the Consult buttonConsult panel.
  2. In the Consult panel, click Nursing Request iconNursing
  3. In the Nursing Request panel, a list of nursing requests is displayed on the left, grouped by Excision/Suture, Therapeutic or Diagnostic. Select the required item.
    Nursing Request Blank-MINI
    • When an item is selected, it is added to the Nursing Request list on the right-hand side.Nursing Request Drop Down menu
    • An item can also be added by typing free text into the Nursing Request row.
      Nursing request- Free Type item
    • To remove an item from the Nursing Request list, hover your mouse over the item, and click Delete icon.
  4. In the Notes section, add any notes about the items selected.
  5. Select the Call me when ready or Copy for me options at the bottom of the panel if required. These instructions, if selected, are printed on the nursing request.
    Nursing Request Option
  6. Click Print to print the nursing request.


The Nursing Request panel closes.

Any items that were requested from the nurse are displayed in the Actions section of the Consult panel, separated by a comma.
Example Nursing Request

What to do next

To reprint or delete the items in the Actions section, click Reprint.

To remove a nursing request item from the Actions section, hover your mouse over the item and click Delete.
Tip: A deleted item is not displayed in the patient’s Timeline.