Scan Documents

You can add scanned documents to a patient's record and to their timeline.

Before you begin

Before you can scan documents into Helix, ensure you have installed the Helix Agent.


To scan a document:
  1. To access the Message Centre, in the Helix panel menu, select Message Centre iconMessage Centre.
  2. Go to the DMS panel.
    Helix panel menu with Message Centre > DMS selected
  3. Locate the scan settings section.

  4. Select the type of scan you want to perform:
    Scans one or more pages into a single document. If your scanner has multi-page capability that allows you to scan multiple pages via a sheet feeder (for example), you can combine multiple pages into a single document.

    Scans one or more pages into multiple documents.

    Consider the scenario in which you have two Specialist letters for your patient, and each letter consists of three pages. Set the page indicator to and then click The first 3 pages (being letter 1) will be scanned into a document, and then the last three pages (letter 2) will be scanned into a second document.

  5. To commence the scan, click Scan
    A progress window will indicate when the scan is underway...

    ...and then completed.

  6. You can continue to scan documents if desired. Do not click until you have scanned all the documents you want to for this session.

    From this point you can:

    Save the scan. Continue now to Scan Documents.
    Cancel the scan.

    Examine the scan queue.

  7. When the scan has completed, all the documents you scanned are added to a list on the left-hand side of the panel. Notice that in our example, we have scanned 9 documents.

  8. Select one document at a time among the several documents you just added, and provide the following information:
    • Patient to file the documents with.
    • Patient's practitioner.
    • Whether you also want to file a copy in the practitioner's Inbox. This option is selected by default.
    • Document type.
    • The document's source, such as fax
    • The document date. This is the date on which the document was received by you, and not necessarily the date on which you scanned it.

      Optional flags:
      Optional flag selections
      Table 1. Optional flag details
      Bad scan icon

      Flags the selected document as a Bad Scan.

      Documents flagged in this way can be replaced later, if for example you are able to obtain a higher-quality source document to scan.

      Patient not found icon

      Flags the selected document to indicate that the associated patient could not be found in the system. Documents flagged in this way can be left in the system until you have created a record for the patient.

      Custom reason icon

      Flags the selected document with a custom reason of your choosing. Upon selecting this option you will be prompted to describe the reason.

      Delete icon Deletes the selected document. You will be prompted to confirm this action.
  9. When you are ready to save the selected document to the patient's record, click File & Next buttonFile & Next.


After a scanned document has been assigned to a patient, an entry for it is added to the patient's Timeline.

In our example below, a document was scanned, we recorded its source as 'fax', and assigned it to the patient. 'Fax' now appears in the patient's timeline.

Click on the entry in the Timeline to view the scan.