Create and Send Secure Documents

Create and send the documents to the patient from the Letter Writer section.

About this task


To create and send the document in the Letter Writer:
  1. In the patient's record, open Letter Writer.
  2. Select the type of letter you want to create.
    For example: select the Letter type as Specialist Referral, enter the problem details and address as desired.
    Letter Writer -Form
    For more information, see Letter Writer.
  3. Click Save and Send.
    The Send Document window is displayed.
    Send Document - Window displays
  4. To select a recipient, click Directory Lookup icon Directory Lookup.
    In the Directory Lookup window, select a recipient from your HealthLink directory:
    • Search for recipients by first name, last name, specialty, and location.
    • Select one recipient at a time.
  5. Once you have added the recipient and to send the letter, click Send icon Send.

    Directory Lookup _ Records
  6. In the Send Document window:
    1. In the CC field, if required add additional addressees.
    2. In the Subject/ details field, edit the information if required.
      Note: By default, the Subject field displays the name of the document, the main addressee and their specialty.

    Send Document - Example
  7. To send the document, click Send.


The document is displayed in the Actions panel, along with the status of the SMD message.

The document is also displayed in the SMD Outbox under the Message Centre.
SMD Outbox- Example

What to do next

To print the document copy so that you can give a copy to the patient, click Print iconPrint.
Specialist Referral -Print Example