
View patients' investigation results and health summaries that have been delivered electronically to your health centre in the Message Centre Inbox.

To display the inbox, from the main menu, select Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Inbox.
Example Inbox
The Inbox contains the following information about a result:
  • Sent/Document - displays the date that the result was sent from pathology providers or the document date in the Document Management System (Message Centre).
  • Performed - displays the date when the test was performed.
  • Type - displays the type of document e.g. Pathology Report.
  • Priority - displays the severity of the result.
  • Patient - displays the contact number and name of the patient.

Sort results by clicking on the required column header.

The results with a status of New, that are assigned to the currently logged in practitioner are displayed. Filter the results by status and practitioner.
Example HCP view
To view unassigned messages, from the Practitioner list, select Unassigned.
Example unassigned message view

Results in the Patient Timeline

After they have been actioned, results are added to the Patient Timeline, where they are displayed with the sent date, performed date and the status of the action taken. For example, in the image below, the practitioner actions the result in the Inbox and marks a recall as Urgent Recall. That status is displayed on the timeline next to the result, along with date sent and performed information.
Example result in timeline
Opening the results from the timeline also displays the sent date and time information in the header. For example, in the below image we can see the result sent information as Sent :18/08/2011 11.00 am below the test name.
Example result details in the timeline