Patient Timeline Filters and Icons

Use filters in the patient timeline to display only particular types of records, making it easier to refer to the information you need.

  • View Timeline
  • View Patient
  • View Consult Notes
Table 1. Patient Timeline Filters
Filter Description
Consult iconConsult A summary of each consult.
  • To add a comment, enter your note in the Comment field and click Add.
  • More iconEllipsis - users with the Create Confidential Consult Notes permission who added a consult note or other users with the Administer Confidential Consult Notes for All Users permission can mark a consult as confidential if the information it contains is sensitive. For more information, see Confidential Consult Notes.
Prescription iconPrescriptions Prescriptions written for the patient. For more information, see Prescribe.
Pathology iconPathology Pathology tests requested for the patient or documents uploaded to the DMS with a document type of Pathology Report. For more information, see Pathology Requests & Import a Document.
Imaging iconImaging Imaging tests requested for the patient or documents uploaded to the DMS with a document type of Radiology Report. For more information, see Create Imaging Requests & Import a Document.
Specialist iconSpecialist Referrals sent on behalf of the patient or documents uploaded to the DMS with a document type of Referral or Specialist Letter.
Shared Health Summary iconMy health record Shared Health Summary (My Health Record)
Medication charts Documents uploaded to the DMS with a document type of Medication Chart. For more information, see Import a Document.
Patient Timeline filter - Other inOther in Documents uploaded to the DMS with a document type of Other. For more information, see Import a Document.
Other icons
Table 2. Icons used in the Patient Timeline
Icon Description
Chronic Disease Mangement icon Chronic Disease Management
Education icon Education
Letter icon Letter - users with the View Letters permission can view letters in the Patient Timeline.
Measurements icon Measurements
Nursing Request icon Nursing Request - users with the View Nursing Requests permission can view nursing requests in the Patient Timeline.
Recorded Visit icon Visit Items (from the Recorded Visit)