Access a Patient's My Health Record

If a patient's My Health Record is found, you can access all health records.

About this task

Access a patient's My Health Record from the Health Summary iconHealth Summary.


To access a patient's My Health Record:
  1. Open the patient's clinical record.
  2. The Health Summary iconHealth Summary displays any one of the following icons:
    • My Health Record icon in Health SummaryMy Health Record - a patient's My Health Record has been found.
    • IHI not recordedMy Health Record - a patient's IHI has not been recorded. For more information about adding a patient's IHI number, see Edit Patient Records.
    • Not retrievedMy Health Record - a patient's My Health Record information could not be retrieved.
  3. To view a patient's My Health Record, click My Health Record icon in Health SummaryMy Health Record.


The patient's records in My Health Record are displayed in the My health record_iconMy Health Record panel if available.
Access My Health Record panel

What to do next

In the My health record_iconMy Health Record panel: