Adjust Resolved Claims

If directed to by Services Australia, you can adjust the details of a resolved claim.

Before you begin

  • Adjust Invoice via Visit

About this task

Adjust a resolved claim details from the Resolved section on the Batch tab.


To adjust a resolved claim:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments iconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > Batch from the menu.
    Batch Menu
  2. In the Status list, select Resolved. All resolved patient claims are displayed chronologically.
  3. Expand the required claim to adjust.
  4. On the resolved claim, click Adjust.
    Adjust button
  5. You are redirected to the Visit panel - iconVisit panel. In the panel, adjust the Code, Amount and add a Reason for an adjustment.
    Adjust- Visit panel
  6. Click Save.


The changes are adjusted in the Visit panel - iconVisit panel for the claim.