GP Mental Health Treatment Plan

Use the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) feature to add a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan for patients.


To add a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select the Consult buttonConsult panel.
  2. In the Consult panel, select More > CDMCDM.
  3. Select GP Mental Health Treatment Plan. The GP Mental Health Treatment Plan form appears.

  4. In the plan, the existing authority information, Conditions, Health Summary, and Biometrics for the patient are displayed on the left-hand side.
    • Authority Information - select an option to include it in the plan.
    • Assessments - if no information is shown in the Assessments section, access the Assessments panel, and complete the listed assessment.
    • Biometrics - if you need to update this information, click Update.
  5. On the right-hand side, enter information for each section:
    • Mental Health History/Treatment
    • Mental Status Examination
    • Risk Assessment
    • Mental Health Treatment Plan
    • Initial Action Plan
  6. A recall is set for 6 months from the current date. Edit the date if desired.
    Recall example
  7. If the treatment plan is not yet complete, click Save as DraftSave as Draft.
    A draft of the GP Mental Health Treatment Plan is saved in the GP Mental Health Treatment Plan section.
    Example GP Mental Health Treatment Plan
    Click Resume buttonResume to continue working on the GP Mental Health Treatment Plan.
  8. When you have completed the form to your satisfaction, click Save and Print. The status of the GP Mental Health Treatment Plan is set to Initial in the CDM panel.
    Example initial, completed GP Mental Health Treatment Plan


The GP Mental Health Treatment Plan is saved and printed. A GP Mental Health Treatment Plan action is added to the Actions section of the Consult panel to remind you to review the plan.
Example Actions

What to do next

Later, when you are ready to review the plan, click Review button. The form opens again, but as this is a review of the initial assessment, the fields offered for input differ.