Create a Blocked or Unavailable Appointment

Block out time in a practitioner's Appointments IconAppointments book to make that time unavailable for appointments.

Before you begin

  • View Appointments
  • View All Appointment Books
  • Create Appointments
  • Edit Appointments
  • Delete Appointments

About this task

Block sessions for personal or professional reasons, such as annual leave, conferences or when staff training is being delivered.


To block an appointment:
  1. From the main menu, select Appointments IconAppointments.
  2. After you have opened the Appointments IconAppointments book, if there are no schedules visible, click Manage AppointmentsManage to add one or more appointment schedules.
    For more information about configuring schedule views, see View Appointment Schedules.Appointments - Manage
  3. In the Appointments section, select either Day, Week, or Month view to locate an available time slot.
    Tip: The Month view cannot be used to record appointments.
  4. In the Appointments section, select Appointment > Blocked/Unavailable tab.
    Blocked/Unavailable Event

    Alternatively, locate and double-click a time slot in the calendar to block the appointment.

    On the Blocked/Unavailable tab:
    1. In the Title field, enter a brief reason for the blocked out time that suits your health service.
    2. From the HCP list, select the required practitioner.
    3. For absences that cover a whole day, set All day or in the Date & time field, choose the date that the provider is unavailable from the calendar, and then select a time range.
      • For multiple day absences, block out each day separately.
      • The duration of the appointment is displayed to the right side of the time selectors.
      • The appointment's end time is limited to 11:59 PM for the selected date. For example, if the start time is 11:45 PM and the default duration for the appointment type is 30 minutes, the appointment's end time is 11:59 PM.
    4. To set a recurring appointment, from the Does not repeat list, select an interval at which the appointment recurs.
      For more information about recurring appointments, see Recurring Appointments.
    5. In the Description field, enter further information about the appointment if required.
    6. Click Create block.


The blocked or unavailable appointment is added to the Appointments IconAppointments book.

What to do next

If required, you can edit or delete blocked appointments.