Reschedule an Appointment Time or Date

Quickly reschedule the time or date of an appointment by dragging it to a new appointment slot.

Before you begin

  • View Appointments
  • View All Appointment Books
  • Create Appointments
  • Edit Appointments
  • Delete Appointments

About this task

Reschedule an appointment's time or date by dragging it to a new slot in the Appointments IconAppointments book.


To reschedule an appointment's time or date:
  1. From the main menu, select Appointments IconAppointments.
  2. In the Appointments section, to display appointments for only today or the current week, select either Day or Week.
    • Use the Next arrow iconNext arrow to step to the next Day or Week.
    • Click Today to return to today's appointments.
    • To select a specific date, use the Open calendar IconOpen calendar.
    • The Month view cannot be used to reschedule the appointments.
  3. To move an appointment to a different time slot on the same day, click and hold the appointment header, and then drag it up or down to a new slot.
    Tip: Use a similar process for Blocked/Unavailable appointments.
  4. To change an appointment to a different date:
    1. Ensure that the Week view is selected.
    2. Click and hold the appointment header, and then drag it to the new date.
      Alternatively, to move an appointment by using keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy or paste:
      1. Select the required appointment and then press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+X.
      2. In the Appointment book, click the required available time slot or date and then press Ctrl+V.
      • You can copy or cut a single appointment in a series, but not a complete series.
      • You cannot copy or cut an appointment linked to the multiple HCPs.
      Tip: Use a similar process for Blocked/Unavailable appointments.
  5. Once you have updated the appointment's time or date, the Appointment details are displayed. If required, update the appointment details.
  6. Click Save.


After you have rescheduled the appointment’s time or date, the selected appointment is updated in the Appointments IconAppointments book.

To view the rescheduled details, select the required appointment, and then select Appointment detailsAppointment details > Appointment Action - RescheduledRescheduled.
Rescheduled Details
Note: After being rescheduled:
  • For a single appointment, the status is Rescheduled.
  • For an appointment in a series, the selected appointment has a status of Rescheduled, and the status of the remaining, recurring appointments is Booked.

What to do next

To send an SMS reminder to a patient about a rescheduled appointment:
  1. Select Appointment Action - RescheduledRescheduled > Send rescheduled SMS reminder.
    The message preview is displayed on the panel.
    Note: The Send rescheduled SMS reminder button displays only if Enable SMS for appointment reminders is set in User > Settings > Centre > Centre Settings > Edit Centre > SMS tab. For more information, see Enable SMS for Rescheduled Appointments.

    Rescheduled Appointments SMS reminder.
  2. Click Send.
    After you have sent the rescheduled appointment SMS reminder, the appointment details are displayed in the Appointments - RescheduledRescheduled section.
    Rescheduled appointment SMS reminder