Send an Email

Compose a letter in the Letter Writer and email it to patients or other health providers.

Before you begin

If you want to email a patient, first ensure that their email address is recorded. For more information about recording patient details, see Edit Patient Records. Alternatively, you will have an opportunity to record an ad-hoc email address before sending.

About this task

Letters emailed to patients can be password protected. However letters emailed to other health providers are not password protected. To email a registered health provider securely, select Secure Message Delivery (SMD).


To send an email:
  1. In the Letter Writer, create the document you want to email.
  2. Click Save and Send.
  3. In the Send Document panel, select the required recipients:
    • Email to patient
    • Send to clinician or provider (which includes an option to email).
      Send Document Showing Email Options
    In this example, we are emailing to both a patient and another healthcare provider.
    • For the patient, select a password protection option for securing the document. You can choose to use the patient's date of birth as recorded in Helix, or select SMS auto-generated document password to patient to send an SMS to the patient separately with the password.
    • For the Healthcare providers, select either Secure Message Delivery or Email.
      Note: Documents sent through email to healthcare providers are not password protected.
      Send Document Both Email Options Selected
  4. To email the document, click Send.


A record of the email is displayed in Actions. For more information, see Consultations.

When the consult is ended, a record of the email is also displayed in the patient's Timeline after a short delay before the Timeline. For more information, see Timeline

What to do next

In the Actions section, you can print or resend the email. For more information, see Resend an Email from the Patient's Timeline
Actions Helix Showing Emailed Document