Generate a Letter

Before you begin

About this task

To include patient-specific information in a letter, create it from the patient's record.


To write a letter with clinical information included:
  1. In a patient's record, on the Consult iconConsult panel, click Letter Writer buttonLetter Writer.
    Tip: If you can't see the Letter Writer, click More caretMore to reveal the Letter Writer.
  2. In the Letter Writer panel, your list of Favourites is displayed (if you have created one), and WorkCover Certificates.
    Example Letter Writer content
  3. If the letter you want to write is not in the Favourites list, type the name of the template in the Letter search iconSearch field. A list of matching letters is displayed as you type. See also Supplied Templates.
    Example Search for Letters
  4. Select the required letter. In our example, we have chosen the +75 Health Assessment.
    In this example, you can see a variety of fields awaiting your input. Data you enter here is transferred to the final letter upon completion.
    Example health assessment letter
  5. Optionally, click Expanded Letter button Expand at the upper-right to expand the letter, displaying both the fields and the resulting layout.
    75 Health Assessment Form
    Tip: Some layouts are editable.
  6. Complete the form as required.
  7. To include clinical information about the patient, expand Caret iconClinical summaries and select the information you want to include with the letter.
    Example clinical information
  8. To include results from the patient's clinical record, expand Caret iconAttach Results and select the results you want to include with the letter.
    +75 Health Assessment Form
  9. Once you have completed the form data, click Generate.


The information you entered into the form is transferred to the letter preview, that is, the letter is generated.

What to do next

If the letter is editable, make manual changes as required by typing within the body of the letter, or by using the toolbar. Hover you mouse over each tool for an explanation of its purpose.
ExampleLetter Writer Toolbar
When the letter is complete, select one of the following options:
Favourite buttonFavourite Click to add this letter to your list of favourites.
Cancel buttonCancel Cancel the selected Letter, and close the Letter Writer panel. If what you really wanted to do was go back to the list of letters, click instead.
Recall calendar Add a recall for this patient in regards to this letter.
Save as Draft

Saves a draft of the letter for completing later. Drafts are added to the Drafts section at the top of your Letter Writer panel.

Save and Print

Save the completed letter to the Actions section of the Consult panel, and print it.

Actions Showing Letter Printing Options

Save and Send Save the completed document and send it securely to another healthcare provider. Select the recipient in the Send Document panel.
For templates in HTML Format, after you preview the generated letter, the patient details (patient's name and date of birth) along with the page numbers are displayed in the footer section of the letter so that related pages can be identified once printed.
Example footer