Manage Draft Invoices

You can delete draft invoices that are no longer needed. A deleted (draft) invoice cannot be recovered and reused.

About this task

Delete draft invoices in the transaction history list from History tab.


To delete draft invoices:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments IconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > History from the menu.
    History Tab
    The Transaction History panel is initially displayed blank.
    Transaction History Panel
  2. In the Search by account holder field, to search the transactions, enter an account holder.
    Search Field Example
    Tip: Alternatively, in the Search by ref # field, enter a reference number.
  3. Hover your mouse over an item you want to delete, click Edit menu - iconEdit menu, and then select Delete Draft Invoice from the list.
    List -Delete Draft Invoice


The Delete Draft Invoice panel displays. In the Delete Draft Invoice panel, select a reason for delete the draft from the list.
Delete Draft Invoice -Panel

What to do next

Actions Descriptions
Visit-related behaviour
  • The related visit will not be automatically deleted.
  • The patient will not be removed from the queue.
  • If a visit has only draft invoices associated with it, the related appointment will be marked as no payment taken - invoice deleted.
Deleted draft invoices and reporting
  • Deleted draft invoices will be shown on the Daily Visits report.
  • Those draft invoices are shown as Deleted in the report.
  • If a visit had a draft (deleted) invoice and has at a later stage a new invoice (either draft, issued, paid), both entries are shown in the report. Each invoice is a separate line item in the report.
  • The report filter allows the to filter for draft (deleted) invoices only.
Consults and HCP notes
  • The related consult notes any other items for this visit will not be deleted.
  • The HCP side (visit and related items for this consult) will not be affected or changed.