Find Inactive Patients

Search for inactive patient records using a patient's biographic details, such as their given name, phone number, Medicare number or date of birth.

Before you begin

Inactive patients do not display in the search results by default.

About this task

One benefit of setting the status of patients as inactive is that they do not appear in search results, thus saving you time having to search through unnecessary records.

However, in any patient search, such as main search, appointment bookings, DMS, matching patients in results, tasks, inbox and recalls, you can include inactive patients in the search results if required.


To include inactive patients in a search:
  1. From the main menu, select Patient search - iconPatient Search.
  2. In the Patient Search panel, set Include active?.
    Include inactive patient records
  3. To search an inactive patient's record from your local centre, select Local. Otherwise, it defaults to search All Centres.
  4. In the Search fieldSearch for patient field, enter an inactive patient's given name, family name, phone number, Medicare number, date of birth or email address.
    Note: To find a patient record with exact or close matches, use advanced patient search options. For more information, see Advanced Patient Search.


Both active and inactive patient records that match the provided search term are displayed. Inactive patient names are shown with an [Inactive] status prefix.
Patient Search - Include inactive patients results

What to do next

If you select an inactive patient's record from the search results:
  • Clinical users are redirected to the Patient Timeline iconPatient Timeline panel. In the header, the inactive patient's details are prefixed with [Inactive] and are faded.
    Example Patient Record Banner for an Inactive Patient
  • Administrative users are redirected to the Visit panel. The patient details include [Inactive] and are faded.
    Admin user - Banner