Extract Patient Records

Extract a copy of a patient record when you need to hand the patient over to another clinician, for example, during medical evacuation; to print documents for medicolegal matters; or if a patient leaves your practice and needs a copy of their patient record.

Before you begin

  • Patient Management
  • View Patient
  • Update Patient

About this task

Extract information about the current patient and export clinical documents related to them.


To extract a patient record:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. Select Patient Management.
  3. In the Patient Management window, click Patient Extract. to access enter one or more of the patient's surname, given name, date of birth, patient ID, or Medicare number.
    Example Patient Management Duplicate Record Search
  4. In the Patient Extract utility:
    Patient Extract Utility
    1. Search for the patient by name.
    2. Indicate the format for the extract (PDF or XML).
    3. Indicate the time-frame you want to cover in the From and To dates.
    4. Indicate the scope of data you want to cover. Set one or more of Patient Demographics, Health Summary or Patient Timeline.
    5. When you are ready to proceed, click Extract for the corresponding patient.


The patient's information is saved to your computer in the format you selected.