Viewing Multiple Schedules Simultaneously

In the appointment book, you can display the schedules for multiple practitioners simultaneously if required.

  • View Appointments
  • View All Appointment Books
In the following example, we chose to display the schedules for practitioners Perth and Cowan, simultaneously. For example:
Appointment Book
When viewing multiple schedules simultaneously:
  • The names of each practitioner and their associated work group are displayed at the top of each column.
  • You can display a maximum of seven schedules. View additional schedules by clicking ArrowRight Arrow to the right of the window.
    Right arrow highlighted in appointment book
  • Only a single day's schedule is available.
    • Navigate to other days using Forward and Back arrowsForward and Back arrows.
    • To jump back to the current day, click Today.
  • View any notes recorded for a given schedule in Appointment Book Settings by hovering your mouse over the column header.