Patient Report Search Criteria

Search criteria for Patient reports.

Table 1. Patient Report Filters
Search Criteria Descriptions
Active or Inactive or All patients Allows you to specify if the search is to be performed on Active patients only or Inactive patients only or All patients.
Visit from and Visit to Allows you to search for patients who have had a visit recorded within the specified date period.
Allows you to search for patients with a specific gender (by default all genders are included) and the filter options are:
  • Male
  • Female
  • Unspecified
  • Other
Age range Allows you to specify a lower (from 0) and an upper age range. If both are left blank, patients of all ages are included.
Note: If you want to find only patients of one age (for example, all 30-year-olds) enter the same age into each field.
Allows you to search for patients with a specific ATSI status (by default all are included) and the filter options are:
  • Aboriginal
  • Torres Strait Islander
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • Not stated
Concession Status
Allows you to search for patients with a specific concession status (by default all are included) and the filter options are:
  • DVA all
  • DVA specific
  • HCC
  • PCC
  • SCC
  • No concession card

Allows you to search for patients based on their Alcohol consumption (by default all are included). For more information, see Alcohol :

The filter options are:
  • Monthly or less
  • 2-4 times/month
  • 2-3 times/week
  • 4 or more times/week
  • Never
  • Not recorded
Physical Activity

Allows you to search for patients based on their Physical Activity frequency (by default all are included). For more information, see Physical Activity

The filter options are:
  • Light
  • Moderate
  • Vigorous
  • None
  • Not recorded

Allows you to search for patients based on their Smoking status (by default all are included). For more information, see Smoking Status and

The filter options are:
  • Yes
  • Ex-smoker
  • Never
  • Not recorded
Audit-C (1-12) Allows you to specify a lower (from 1) and an upper (12) Audit-C rating range. If both are left blank, patients of all ratings are included.
Note: If you want to find only patients of one rating (for example, all with a rating of 8) enter the same value into each field.
Tip: To view the Medical filters, you must have the View Clinical Reports permission.
Table 2. Medical Filters
Fields Descriptions
Drug name or Drug class or Condition
When adding criteria, first select the desired search option (Drug, Drug class, Condition) radio button to search for:
  • Drug name will search patient medication list based on selected drug from the drug list/search.
  • Drug class will search patient medication list for all drugs included in the selected drug class based on selected drug class from the drug class navigator.
  • Condition will search patient condition list based on selected condition from the drug list/search.

When the type (see above) has been selected the search/list below is activated allowing you to find the drug, drug class or condition to be searched for. In most cases if you start to type the first couple of letters, a list is generated, from which you can select the appropriate term and it will automatically be added to the search criteria. For the drug class instead of typing a browse function is used allowing you to browse and add a class at any point in the hierarchy.

Multiple criteria may be added by repeating this procedure. The added criteria will be shown as ‘bubbles’ below allowing to easily see the added criteria and remove them if no longer required or added in error.

And Or filters

Allows the specification between the added criteria that is between two different conditions.

For example:
  • If the search is for patients who has condition 1 and condition 2 only patients which has both conditions will be returned.
  • If the search is for patients who has condition 1 or condition 2 patients with either conditions will be returned.
Note: The And/Or variable only applies within the space type of criteria (i.e. conditions) when searching for different criteria (conditions and drug names) an ‘and’ will always apply between these.
For example:
  • (condition1 and condition 2) and (medication 1 and medication 2)
  • (condition1 or condition 2) and (medication 1 and medication 2)
  • (condition1 and condition 2) and (medication 1 or medication 2)
  • (condition1 or condition 2) and (medication 1 or medication 2)