User Information

Use this information when setting up a user.

Table 1. User information
Section Field Description
User details An individual has a single account in Helix
Email address Email addresses cannot be longer than 255 characters.
Family (Surname) and given (First) names Enter a user's family and given names.
Password and password confirmation
Staff details A single account for an individual may contain multiple users with separate usernames for different circumstances, for example, for their different roles. Typically different roles would belong to different user groups.
Role Enter a role for this user if required. A user's role is no longer associated with their permissions. The Role field will be deprecated in future updates.
Occupation From the Occupation list, choose an occupation for this user. An individual may have more than one occupation at an organisation. A user's occupation does not determine their permissions to use Helix.

Occupations available in Helix are health professions taken from the ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2022 Australian Update.

Tip: Only 10 occupations are listed at a time. To find the occupation you need, start typing it in the Occupation field.
The occupation you select is used in the following locations:
  • Listed for each in Settings > Users > User List.
  • In Settings > Centre > Audit > Log entries, users are grouped by occupation
  • In Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Tasks when you create a task, you can address it to an occupation, which automatically adds the task for all users with that occupation.
Username Use a sensible naming convention so that an individual can remember the separate usernames that distinguish between their different roles. For example, Tom Barker is both a GP and part owner of a practice. He uses separate usernames and roles to distinguish his medical practitioner access from his managerial access. His usernames are TB_GP and TB_Admin, that is, his initials and a code to represent each role. Usernames must be unique and cannot be longer than 255 characters.
Healthcare professional Set if this user is a healthcare provider. A healthcare provider is anyone who provides healthcare for a patient (such as, a doctor, health worker, nurse, and so on) who may or may not be a billing entity. Specifically, a health service provider is defined by Medicare. Ensure that you also provide their provider details.
This option also optimises the behaviour of Helix for healthcare providers. For example:
  • At login, the healthcare provider's work area is displayed.
  • Providers can view the consult screen from the queue.
  • Providers can view patients waiting for them in the queue.
  • A provider's external name is added to reports, invoices and claims. Providers can't see the reports for other providers in any centre.
  • Providers see only their own recalls.
  • Providers are added to the Clinical Management address book automatically as internal contacts if they also have a specialty selected.
  • Providers are listed on visits on the Claiming, Banking & Payments iconClaiming, Banking & Payments > Patient Claims tab. These providers must have an ABN.
Names Enter the user's alternative names.
Access data across all centres Set for users who need access to data for all centres. This setting also changes the behaviour of Helix in the following ways:
  • Users with this option do not require an allocated centre or work area. If they do have an allocated centre and work area, this information is not displayed in the footer.
  • On the Claiming, Banking & Payments iconClaiming, Banking & Payments > Bank tab, displays all centres with billing details grouped by centres and a total displayed for all centres.
  • On the Claiming, Banking & Payments iconClaiming, Banking & Payments > Patient Claims tab, from the Centre filter, select any centre.
  • Allows the user to use the Adjust Invoice without Authentication permission.
  • Allows the user to adjust default visit items if they also have the Waive Credit Card Surcharge permission.
  • If Medicare billing is enabled, OPV, OVV and claimant OPV checks are run.
  • In Message Centre iconMessage Centre > Tasks users can address tasks to individuals not by roles.
  • If this user also has the Centre Administration permission, they can update any centre.
  • Users can access appointment book settings for all centres and work areas.
  • Users with this option and the Update Fee Schedule permission can import fee schedules.
  • Users can authorise manual Medicare receipting for all centres.
  • Users can generate reports for any centre.
  • Users can view the transaction history of any patient from Patient Search > patient > Transaction History iconTransaction History.
  • Users cannot view recalls.
  • Users can see integration payments.
Provider details If Healthcare professional is set for the user, add their healthcare provider information.
Prescriber number The provider's prescriber number. Without a prescriber number, the provider can't print prescriptions or prescribe medications. Required for ePrescribing.
Prescriber type The specialty of the provider. A provider is associated with a single speciality.
HPI-I The current Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual number assigned to the provider. HPI-I is required for ePrescribing.
Qualifications The qualifications of the provider. Required for ePrescribing.
Company If this provider operates as a company, the company name.
ABN Include the ABN for a healthcare provider or company.
AHPRA number The AHPRA registration number of the provider. To find a provider's AHPRA registration number, visit the AHPRA website.
SIRA approval number In NSW, an allied health practitioner's State Insurance Regulatory Authority number.
Participate in My Health Record If the provider is eligible to upload a patient's clinical information to My Health Record, and download it from My Health Record, set this option.
Centres For healthcare providers, add the provider numbers for Medicare Online Claiming associated with each centre. This allows a provider to claim Medicare payments using different provider numbers based on the place from which they are providing services.
Provider Number Add the healthcare provider's eight character Medicare identifier by which they are referenced, typically six numbers followed by two letters, for example, 123456AB. If the provider's number is only seven characters, prefix the number with 0.
Payee Provider Number When a provider provides a service, only that provider can submit their claims, unless there is a delegated payee provider for the centre whose provider number and name is attached to the health service bank account where electronic claims deposits are made. Add the provider number for the delegated payee provider for the centre if required.
Note: If the provider being edited is the payee provider, this field should be left blank.
Payee Provider Name The delegated healthcare provider whose provider number is attached to the health service bank account where electronic claims deposits are made. Add the provider name for the delegated payee provider for the centre if required.
Note: If the provider being edited is the payee provider, this field should be left blank.
Ancilliary Provider No If required, add another user authorised to submit claims on behalf of this provider. This user must be a Helix user.
Payee Merchant ID Add the merchant ID for your centre.
Medical-Objects Routing ID If your centre uses Medical-Objects for receiving documents and results, enter their routing ID.
ePrescribing Entity ID

Helix can be configured for electronic transfer of prescriptions (ETP) to a central repository, typically eRx. Helix supports ETP for both printed PBS prescriptions and ePrescribing.

To use Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions (ETP) at a centre, at least one healthcare provider in your organisation must be registered as a Prescriber at the eRx website. With the registration, although individual prescriber details are entered, it allows ETP to be used by anyone in the same organisation.

To enable ePrescribing for your centre, either enter the registered prescriber's ID in this field, or if a new entity ID is required, set Request from eRx and click Request.

Work Areas Add the work areas a user works in at each centre. Use the work areas to define separate default item numbers and fee schedules. Each centre can have multiple work areas associated with it.
Select Speciality Select the user's speciality.
Default Item No Add the default item number applied to consults for this work area.
Default After Hours Item No Add the default item number applied to after hours consults for this work area.
Select Cost Centre Select the cost centre to which consults in this work area are applied.
Fee Schedules For any fee schedule, you can use the fixed centre rates or select custom fee schedules for the following areas:
  • Private Visit Rate
  • Pre-employment Visit Rate
  • Workers Compensation Visit Rate
For more information about creating custom fee schedules (referred to as override schedules), see Fee Schedules.